size: 29 cm // 11,5 inch
limited edition in pieces: 50 pieces
The Classic HERMANN Bear with inserted snout
Design Explanation
The "Bear with inserted snout" is a type of model developed by Max Hermannin the 1920s. For this model, the snout consists of a shorter-pile plushthan the bear itself. It is cut separately and sewn onto the bear's headpart. With this model variant, Max Hermann's Teddy Bears became known andfamous. Like hardly any other bear design, the "Bear with the inserted snout"is linked to the name HERMANN and has written history. Still today this designis the preferred Teddy Bear model in our company.
Good Luck Charms
The four-leaf clover and the ladybug are considered to be good luck charms.Legend tells that the biblical figure Eve took a four-leaf clover as a souvenirfrom paradise. Therefore it is said that the owner of a four-leaf cloverholds a little piece of paradise in his hands. As a heavenly messenger ofthe Mother of God, the ladybug is worshiped. Because of its usefulness foragriculture, the peasants believed that this beetle was a gift from the Motherof God and therefore named it after the Virgin Mary: "Marienkäfer" (engl."Mary Beetle" = Ladybug).
Made in Germany - Hergestellt in Deutschland
HERMANN-Spielwaren, now located in Coburg-Cortendorf / Germany, is one of the oldest still existing Teddybear companies worldwide. Founded 1920 in Neufang near Sonneberg / Thuringia the history goes back to the year 1913, when Max Hermann manufactrued his first Teddybear together with his brother Arthur and his sister Adelheid.
The company is famous for there extraordinary designs, there craftmanship, there exclusive small editions and that each bear, made in Coburg / Germany is a own personality. Each bear is made by highskilled longtime employees, many of them work over 10 years for HERMANN-Spielwaren.
Each wellknown teddybear book features the designs and also the Teddybear magacines are in close contact the the company for new styles. Des Chef-Designer is Ulla Hermann, granddaughter of the founder. Her Teddybears won famous Awards, like the TOBY Industry’s and Public’s Choice Award, the Golden Teddy Award or the TED worldwide Award.